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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Karadayan Nombu Sweet Adai

To prepare karadayar nombu sweet adai, cook 1/2 cup of jaggery with 1/2 cup of water. Add a pinch of cardamom powder, handful of pre-soaked black-eyed beans and a tablespoon of grated coconut.

Dry roast 1 cup of rice flour, till it turns slightly pink and add this to the jaggery water, and turn the stove off. Add a teaspoon of ghee and set it aside. Once it cools down, mix it like chappathi dough.

Roll the Karadayar nombu adai dough into golf ball-sized balls, then flatten it on your palm and make a hole in the center. Steam the adai for about 10 mins.

Nombu sweet Adai is ready for serving with butter.