The Best Gluten Free Flours and Their Benefits
Gluten is a form of protein that serves to bind any flour to get the maximum baking effect. However, as many of us are found allergic to gluten, there is a need for gluten-free flours. Following are the 5 gluten-free flours and their benefits:
1. Amaranth flour
It is cream in color and obtained from grinding the Amaranth seed. The flour with its enormous moisture content helps to bind the dough while baking. The protein content of the flour renders the flour nutritious.
2. Buckwheat flour
It is a gluten free ingredient in some of the Japanese noodles. It is made from whole buckwheat cereal grains and contains proteins and fibre. It is also a rich resource of minerals.
3. Brown rice flour
Rice that is not polished is ground to produce brown rice flour. As it retains the husk of rice it is totally fibrous and protein rich.
4. Chia flour
Chia seeds are ground to obtain chia floor. The small seeds contain calcium and omega 3. It is also a great food with fibre.
5. Arrowroot floor
It is made from arrowroot and is said to control stomach related ailments.